Love, but respect too.

“Love and respect are two entirely different things. You love me, you really do, But no, you don’t respect me. You don’t value me. I can see that in your eyes.”

“How can you say that?”

“I can feel it. The disrespect from you. The way the you treat my words, like you never heard them coming out of my mouth. The way you treat my tears, like you never saw them flowing. They way you treat my feelings, like they mean nothing in this world. You make me feel loved, and you make me feel disrespectful. The love you have for me, is a love to be punished for. How can you not respect the person you love? If you cannot respect them, how can you love them? 

Its all your love that makes my self respect vanishm your love was so strong, that it made me devalue myself.”

“I’m sorry… I do respect you.”

“I wish you did. I really wish you did.”

One thought on “Love, but respect too.”

  1. So true, and both words are so tricky and each has a mind of their own……especially love. But when a person has both for you, it can be a beautiful thing. For instance, I love respecting you for your writing. šŸ™‚

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